
Defining "Creationism" Down

Irenike2/24/2009 3:25:17 pm PST

re: #686 Salamantis

And I will once again post my answer; the same one I reply with every time you regurgitate this post:

Organisms possess the genetic urge to produce copies of their genes (offspring). Those species that didn’t possess that urge died out of the gene pool very quickly, and individuals within the species that lack such an urge do not pass their genes along within the species. It’s a matter of simple environmental selection, and no intelligent purposive programmer is required.

Given that some ancient animals genetically mutated to possess this urge, or others mutated so that they did not, the ones that lacked the urge died out without reproducing, and only the ones that possessed it remained in the gene pool - because only they reproduced and passed on their genes.

Then why does homosexuality exist? Surely being gay would cause homosexuality to die out in the evolutionary scheme of things. And I’m not talking about bi-sexuality. I’m talking about men who really cannot get it up for a woman.