
CPAC Live Video 1

Cognito2/26/2009 9:26:37 pm PST

re: #715 Scion9

Then maybe you should check the history of the entire western world from about 1930 to 1980 for another example of the Keynesian model in action. It has been tried time and again. It actually worked during WWII, when the Federal government had totalitarian control over the economy and impressed 11 million plus young men into ‘jobs’, and put millions more into jobs creating stuff that was going to get blown up, which amounts to the same thing as having people dig ditches and then fill them in again.

As for the ‘greatest economists’ regardless of political affiliation not being able to find a way out; that is definitely untested. How many economists are claiming to know the way out? Pretty much all of them. How many have a say in how the government is actually handling the situation? Not very many.

If I ask someone what is the solution to 2 + 2 is, and someone gives 4 and another 5, and I try the latter because I like bigger numbers and then fail on the test doesn’t mean that their isn’t a correct answer at all.

Nonsense. This argument assumes an economic and political vacuum of the hardest suck.

The Second World War was not a recovery, in itself, from the Depression. Any uptick in the GDP was more than offset by the loss of blood.