
Overnight Open

Pietr4/13/2009 7:16:59 am PDT

re: #714 Kosh’s Shadow

Worcester gets a lot of snow. When I was in college, in the 70’s, there was a blizzard that somehow blew snow through the grilles of cars; I saw some people with the hood open and the engine compartment full of snow.
But then, I grew up in Boston, so I was used to snow. By now, though, I’m tired of shoveling it.

Did you ever see Higgins Armory Museum? I’m sure it was open back in the 50’s. It has the best collection of armor (knights’ armor) in the US.
Basically, one of the Higgins family collected armor until his wife said “the armor goes or you go”, so he created a museum, in the company building, thus getting the best of both worlds - he could see his armor, and keep his wife.

Worcester,Mass.-Ft Devens…..always fun in winter! I went thru a school at Ft Devens from Nov ‘73 thru Feb ‘74; I got a lot of snow time in while there. Enjoyed hanging out at a couple of spots off post, but couldn’t tell ya’ there names anymore-too much time has passed….:>))