
Overnight Open

Dante413/29/2010 9:40:52 am PDT

re: #684 subsailor68

Good to see you too! We are really luck, in that we live in the Hill Country, about 65 miles west of San Antonio. Quick story:

My wife got here before I did - she took over patient and community relations at our hospital here. She and the administrator would go to lunch every day - walking to the local diner.

One night she called to say, “sweetheart, you’re really going to like it here. It’s the first place we’ve ever lived where, when somebody drives by, they honk their horn - and wave with all five fingers!”

Ah… the Hill Country is some of the most beautiful and interesting terrain in the state. Sometimes it really blows your mind that it used to be an inland sea all those millions of years ago.

And the people are nice all over the state…as long you stay out of East Texas.