
CPAC Live Video 1

VegasRick2/26/2009 9:27:38 pm PST

re: #706 Killgore Trout

There are a few facts to be dealt with 1) if the Republicans were in power we’d still be looking at a huge bailout package. The pork would be slightly different and the earmarks would go somewhere else but the bailout bill would be more or less the same. 2) When Amerikka does not collapse into a barren post apocalyptic Marxist wasteland and the economy starts to recover in a year or two what is going to happen to all the conspiracy theories. Will we just pretend it never happened?
Seriously, think about it. Don’t let irrational Obama hatred get the better of you.

You can forget about that, if the Repubs were in charge we would be hearing 4 more years of Bush but we would not be giving away billions to shitheaded projects.