
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

sagehen8/22/2010 8:32:53 pm PDT

re: #720 Aceofwhat?

the Prez can fire US Attorneys as he sees fit. this is the same Gonzales against whom the Justice dept. recently announced they won’t be filing charges, right?

Clinton fired a bunch of US Attorneys, too. Were you similarly outraged?

Firing and replacing all 83 of them in a clean sweep when you first enter office is normal; every president has done it.

Firing 9 of them chosen in particular because they’re investigating corrupt members of congress in your party, or because they wouldn’t gin up enough evidence to indict members of the other party on a politically convenient timetable… yeah, that’s not normal. That’s why he didn’t want to admit to it out loud. That’s why he “didn’t recall” 83 times in one day.

The Justice Department won’t be filing charges because it’s awfully hard to prove perjury on someone who claims amnesia. Even though anybody with any sense believes he probably did recall.