
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

simoom4/22/2010 9:24:46 am PDT

re: #105 simoom

Here’s the video of Anderson Cooper’s first-rate interview with Arizona Republican State Representative Cecil Ash, who voted for the AZ Birther legislation:

Youtube Video

Go journalism.

Oh, and here’s McCain primary opponent J D Hayworth’s latest contribution to this sad chapter in our politics:

“He believes that that legislation is drawn too narrowly,” said Hayworth communications director Mark Sanders, when TPMDC asked for Hayworth’s position. “And his thinking on it is that we require every voter when they go to the polls to prove who they are and prove that they are eligible to vote, so we should require that not only of presidential candidates but also every candidate on the ballot.”

So does Hayworth think we should demand birth documentation for every candidate for public office, I asked?

“No, that’s not what I’m saying,” said Sanders. “I’m not addressing birth documentation. I’m addressing eligibility to vote, and that could apply to a lot of different things.”

So what is Hayworth demanding proof of, exactly?

“I’m saying in terms of proof of everything,” said Sanders. “You can’t be a convicted felon and vote. There are requirements that you have to meet in order to vote, and those same requirements should be met by every candidate for every office.”