
Video: Sphere

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/03/2012 9:27:33 am PST

re: #728 kirkspencer

Again I raise the question: what should I use instead that works?

Educating people about biological reality, and the importance of abortion access to ensure good public health even if you morally oppose it, as Reine does, and that the best way to prevent abortions is to prevent people from wanting to get abortions, not preventing their access to them.

My use of “parasite” has had some people actually engage, and after engagement some have changed their minds. So I have ‘good but doesn’t work’ vs ‘bad but sometimes works’.

Like I said, I’ve never seen it work, in many years of engaging with the subject. If you have, you’re evidently doing something right. Bully for you.

Most of the people I’ve had the conversation with have been highly religious, and opposed to abortion on those grounds. I really find it hard to imagine that calling a fetus, which they think is a god-engendered repository for a soul, a parasite is going to do much good.

Give me “good and sometimes works” and I’ll use it. Until then I am left with empirical reality.

Well, anecdotal reality, which is both what you and I have. But that you know that your argument is actually a crafted emotional appeal designed to shock and jar, to me, means you must know that along with the benefit of convincing some people, it must also alienate others, right?