
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

formercorpsman5/05/2009 7:09:13 pm PDT

re: #653 avanti

Avanti, that is a pretty wide strike zone your giving him there.

Just as Charles has done exhausting work in showing the nefarious relationships of dangerous, and disgusting people within the circles on the right, a passive dismissal of his associations are not up to par.

I don’t know if you have ever been over to Zombie’s site, or really caught up on the “Prairie Fire” work, but Ayres articulated the idea of having to deal with an approximate number of about 25 million people who might not go willingly towards his ideas of social utopia.

Add in the Farrakhan ties through the church, & you are comfortable making politically expedient excuses for him using them as a stepping stone.

It don’t wash. Wrong is wrong.