
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

jwb76051/07/2009 12:16:32 pm PST

re: #711 notutopia

I will agree that he has asked a very relevant question.
And I pray he will be non-biased in his reporting.
He will be a civilian reporter. Not a military reporter.
However, his military experience will allow him a degree of empathy none-the-less.

Joe the plumber is not a real plumber
(that’s actually a moonbat talking point, and technically true)
Imagine what somebody would dig up if Joe was in the military and (gasp) didn’t make it to E-5 before he got out.

Need I begin listing actual moonbat military talk-show generals?
After all, those guys are totally qualified and must be right, because they are/were retired Generals and stuff.

Did you know John Kerry was in Vietnam?