
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel3/04/2010 9:39:47 am PST

re: #717 sattv4u2

Did they borrow it from Senator Byrd?

Stage 2 here would be for you to claim it’s really the GOP that was behind civil rights leg.

Look, the current GOP has a shrunken little tent now, and a gigantic racism problem. Those are facts, documented every day on this here intertubes blog.
They have a shrinking demographic and they’re currently choosing to play to the worst of the worst of their vanishing base.
Call me a partisan if you like, but you’d be wrong. I don’t bring this up solely to ‘bash’ the GOP, but because it’s very bad to have only one viable party in a democracy.
That’s where we’re at because of the GOP’s trainwreck.

Bad for us all, bad for America, bad for democracy.