
Obama's Jobs Speech, Thread 2

allegro9/09/2011 7:33:32 am PDT

re: #725 ggt

A lot of the anti-histamines that used to make people drowsy aren’t on the market anymore in favor of the new generation that last 12-24 hours and don’t make one drowsy.

They could be a safer alternative than sleep-aids for some people.

The new generation of antihistimines don’t work for shit, sez one who suffers from occasional extreme hay fever. The best on the market ever was Triaminicin that worked great and did not result in drowsiness that couldn’t be overcome with a cup of coffee. I depended on that for a couple of decades. They put it “behind the counter” due to the meth stuff and now it’s gone completely.

Unisom, or its Walgreens cheaper equivalent Wal-som, is pure Benadryl. It’s been used in hospitals for years as sleeping pills.