
Overnight Open Thread

cliffster8/29/2009 9:29:10 am PDT

re: #727 JCM

You can even to back to the 3/5ths compromise of the Constitutional convention. Without that there would not have been a Union, there would have been two nations. The compromise set the stage for the eventual showdown over slavery as it could not last.

While the compromise allowed for slavery and we paid a price for it. It also allowed for the Union to form, and everything that has come from it.

That’s an interesting take on it - temporary fix while we get our moral ducks in a row.

Although I’m not big on the Aggression of the Northerners, and I think it was way more than just “Southerners want slaves”, I’m glad that neither side of the mason dixon line has had slaves in a very long time and it may not have happened without northern aggression.