
Video: The Sarah Palin Voter's Guide

Jadespring10/15/2010 11:19:29 pm PDT

re: #727 costly1960

I am not sure. But i think things would be better without the dems being in control of Congress.
They have been in control for the last 6 years and the economy sucks.

There’s a fairly good chance that the economy would still suck and got to the suckage no matter who was in charge, especially since many of the reasons it sucks are outside of any one parties or political purvue and/or were set in motion at times when different sides were in charge(like various financial regs that came in under both parties over the past few decades). And you’ll find people on all sides supporting or not supporting (at one time or another) policies and strategies that mushed together and led to the suckage. Of course each side will argue that it’s the other guy or gal is more at fault and blame who ever is in charge at the time it happened but that’s politics. Sorting through the mess is the fun part. The current suckage is a result of a lot longer then 6 years of one particular parties rule. Some of the strings go back through several administrations.