
Mitt Romney's Advice for Recent Female Grads: 'Have a Quiver Full of Kids'

Kragar5/03/2013 10:17:30 am PDT

Rush Limbaugh: Where’s The ‘Tolerance’ For People Who Come Out As Bigots?

Like NFL player Asante Samuel, Rush Limbaugh is a bit flummoxed about why everyone is celebrating the coming out of NBA player Jason Collins. On his show earlier this week, Limbaugh complained that there is excitement for a person’s sexuality being “rammed down everybody’s throat all the time,” but no “tolerance” for people who oppose homosexuality:

LIMBAUGH: Folks, I grew up in a family where people’s sexual orientation, preferences, whatever, weren’t even discussed. Why can’t everybody just put your sexual preferences on Facebook and call it a day? What do we need to stop everything and have a national day of celebration, or mourning (depending on your point of view), or recognition or whatever about this? This tolerance, it only goes one way. So Person X of some national stature announces his sexual orientation as gay, and applause!

It’s a great day for America. We’re really taking giant leaps ahead. If anybody says, “You know, I’m not big on that,” it’s, “You bigot! You racist! You extremist. You homophobe.” There is no tolerance at all here. Not only do these people have to publicly announce it, but everybody else has to applaud and accept it.