
GOHMERT! Obama Is Stirring Up 'Racial Tension and Violence'

Orange Impostor8/13/2013 11:56:03 am PDT

On a related note to the theme of this thread , I noticed that WorldNetDaily’s resident white nationalism peddler - previously reported at LGF here: ( ) is at it yet again:

(via google cache)
Man in coma after black mob of 50 pummels him

“A gang of African-American males and females beat a white male nearly to death, and it isn’t a hate crime?” said Tiffany Johnson in the reader comment section of the Pioneer Press. “And why isn’t the NAACP speaking out about this terrible crime?”

“The media continues to dismay with their clear double standard in news coverage regarding their agenda in matters of race,” said Keith Olson. “The media loves to sensationalize white-on-black victimization and literally turns a blind eye when the races are reversed. I am not surprised whatsoever that whites are finally showing their displeasure with this sort of distortion when it comes to the propaganda they are fed.”

“If you look at the crime stats, the vast majority of such incidents are committed by young black males,” said Jim Russell. “We can’t help them solve this problem if we won’t admit it exists. Don’t make it worse by falling for the PC media narratives.”

Note that they are quoting from “Pioneer Press”, which just so happens to be one of the main publishing arms of the white nationalist Pioneer Fund group.

And if you have any doubts whatsoever whether this isn’t playing right into their userbase - here’s a typical comment from the story:

• 18 hours ago

It’s time people, the only way this is going to be taken care of is for ALL WHITES START THEIR OWN KKK. Them Idiots in Washington don’t give a *** about WHITE PEOPLE.

This post got more than a dozen upvotes.