
170 Million Years in the Making, Only Seconds to Destroy - Updated

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/18/2013 9:14:32 pm PDT

This happened today:

Saudi Arabia rejects seat on U.N. Security Council

Just hours after winning a coveted place on the U.N. Security Council for the first time, Saudi Arabia did a stunning about-face Friday and rejected the seat, denouncing the body for failing to resolve world conflicts such as the Syrian civil war.

The unprecedented move at the United Nations appeared largely directed at Saudi Arabia’s longtime ally, the United States, reflecting more than two years of frustration.


Al-Mouallimi’s comments stood in sharp contrast to the strident tone of Friday’s Saudi Foreign Ministry statement, which accused the Security Council of failing on multiple fronts in the Middle East — especially in ending the Syria conflict but also in failing to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and rid the region of weapons of mass destruction.

“They should have thought of that before competing for the seat,” said Guatemala’s U.N. Ambassador Gert Rosenthal, noting that the Saudis were lobbying for support right up until the vote.

Several diplomats were asking each other whether there was a split in the leadership of Saudi Arabia, where King Abdullah has the final word.


We might live to see the day when the House of Saud falls. The population of KSA grows from all the immigrants, and the day will come when the royal family, as big as it is, won’t be able to contain the masses. Till then, we have princes dueling with each other.