
The Always Disgusting Jim Hoft: Elliot Rodger Was "Another Far Left Mass Murderer"

EPR-radar5/25/2014 12:55:46 pm PDT

re: #10 iceweasel

malignant narcissism and misogyny nails it. I’m reading his lousy manifesto, and it’s stuffed to the gills with entitlement issues and misanthropy as well as misogyny.

I waded through that dreck yesterday. It appears he had some therapy and professional life coaching that clearly wasn’t enough to avoid trouble.

IMO the failure of therapy etc. to work was to be expected in this case. Fairly early on the perp deliberately decided: 1) his status as a dateless wonder was 100% the fault of other people, and 2) the rest of the world had to pay for this.

Light duty therapy and life coaching won’t scratch the surface of something like this.