
NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert: Jackson Browne

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/09/2014 5:16:08 am PDT

Re-messaging at its most sublime - the difference between macro-evolution and micro-evolution.

Really, he’s at it again, Mike Fair, Republican in SC:

Fair: SC should teach the controversy of evolution


I was involved in the conversation at the EOC on the evolution standard and initially proposed the change encouraging scientific debate. I am a Christian by the grace of God; therefore I have a Christian world view.

There are those who believe that my world view disqualifies me and other anti-Darwinists from participating in the evolution conversation. These same people do not condemn that influence on my work to defend women, children, prison inmates, etc.

The evolution controversy often comes down to understanding the difference between macro-evolution and micro-evolution. That is, did biological change occur gradually and cross lines differentiating phylum, or did different species emerge fully formed within categories of phylum, as the Cambrian fossil record indicates?

Gradual change, non-directed and randomly occurring, is Darwin’s theory. Taken as a whole, the fossil record does not show the intermediaries necessary for the philosophical leaps that are inherent in Darwin’s theory. Darwin and others said the missing links would be discovered over time. However, the missing links are still missing.



And then he wonders why people accuse him of wanting to push religion in public schools…