
Grotesque Photo of the Day: Chuck C. Johnson Hanging With George Zimmerman

KGxvi11/10/2015 3:41:44 pm PST

So, I just went over to the American Spectator’s blog, just to check in. There is a post up that the University of Missouri president should not have resigned and instead suspended all the protesting football players and revoked their scholarships (oh and the coaches should have been fired on the spot for supporting the players). The comments ranged from “call in the national guard” to “have open try outs for walk ons” to (and I shit you not, this actually isn’t the first time I’ve heard this one) “Saban wouldn’t let that stuff happen at Alabama.”

Part of me wants to troll that comment section, but I’m not sure it’s even worth it. There is some serious anger on this story that I just can’t explain.