
Saturday Shred: Nick Johnston, "Poison Touch"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/03/2016 6:56:28 pm PST

re: #72 Unshaken Defiance

The bigger puzzle in my mind is what happened on the right. The nationalist / ethnic purity resurgence is the thing to consider now imho. Coping skills. How to throw a wrench in the suspension of reality and facts. Use the law crossing every T. Find our friends inside the system. Learn how to predict and get ahead of the game, the culture war that is about to get as real as it has since the 60’s.

These guys can be outsmarted. We do not need riots in the streets. We need us the majority and those that voted far left to throw in too.

Buckle up, this is no self driving autonomous car.

Yeah the rise of nationalist/ethnic purity is definitely something to consider. We need to work with those we can find common ground on to stop Trump when and where we can. I know I have my disagreements with the Libertarians on economics but I’d bet we’ll find common ground on the Sessions DOJ. Good people don’t use marijuana? WTF.