
Republican Congressman Wants to Know: Were There Civilizations on Mars Thousands of Years Ago?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/18/2017 4:06:29 pm PDT

re: #44 No Depression

This shit is a big reason I’m not a Republican anymore. The party is run by total fucking morons with a tenuous grasp on reality.

I don’t mean to bash on you, but ever since I was old enough to understand politics (Nixon), I have never seen the GOP be anything but reactionary. They’ve been fighting against Social Security since the bill first passed.

When I cast my first vote for Jimmy Carter in 1980, I was proud of the vote and saw no reason to vote for any GOP candidate then. I still see no reason now (which is why I turned in a blank ballot except for president and village board this time round).