
Colbert: The Brits Greet Trump With Baby Blimps and a Giant Penis [VIDEO]

KGxvi6/05/2019 1:05:55 pm PDT


There is a fight between the conservatives who want our dystopia to be “The Handmaid’s Tale” and the ones who want “The Hunger Games.” May they both lose.

In March, First Things published “Against the Dead Consensus,” an open letter signed by a number of prominent conservatives that served as a broadside against “fusionism,” which brought together libertarians, social conservatives, paleoconservatives, and “conservatarians” in a big tent of sorts united by opposing liberalism and the left.

I’m honestly surprised that fusionism has lasted as long as it has. I’ve been waiting for it to break apart since the mid-90s.

To a certain extent, it’s a shame we don’t have viable smaller parties like in most European nations. If the Republican or Democratic parties had to form coalition governments in the House or Senate, I think there’d be a bit less fuckery (especially in the Senate).