
And Now, the Living Room Power Set 2020 From KNOWER [VIDEO]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/13/2020 6:24:32 am PDT
Hey! You see that drawing right there in the featured image slot? The extremely hilarious one where Jesus is standing behind Trump helping him write his ABC’s like he’s in one of those Jesus With You Always memes?

Well, according to a recent study conducted by Religion In Public, white evangelicals were more likely to think Trump was anointed by God after looking at that meme. Like, they looked at that picture with their faces and instead of giggling uncontrollably (because it’s fucking funny) they were more likely, by eight percentage points, to say that they think Trump was anointed by God than they were if they didn’t look at Trump with huggy Jesus.

How? Did they think it was real? Did they look at it and think it was an accurate depiction of real life events? That Jesus and Trump actually posed for that picture themselves?

It sounds stupid, but is it that much more stupid than thinking the president was anointed by God? I contend that it is not.

(more, with polling from Religion in Public)

Huggy Jesus Meme Makes Evangelicals More Likely To Believe Trump Is Anointed By God (Wonkette)