
A Great New Song From Nickel Creek: "Holding Pattern" (Official Music Video)

BigPapa2/18/2023 2:15:41 pm PST

re: #67 BigPapa

Part of the problem with the huge corporations and their tech in your home as per my opinion. They are not focused on selling you hardware and software to make great tech and automation: they are focused on putting tech inside your home so it’s easier for you to buy stuff and for them to sell you stuff.

Alexa has been losing lots of cash. I recall laughing about the Dot costing $15 years ago. I didn’t believe the were concerned about making $ off that hardware transaction: they wanted that Trojan Horse tech in your home so you could order shit off Amazon with voice. It has never materialized. Will it? Well, Amazon will sell you WiFi gear and routers (Eero) and cameras (Ring and Blink). I don’t believe they’re trying to get rich off these platforms even though maybe they’re learning the hard lesson of Alexa. The point is to own the tech space from your mouth and fingers to their servers to ensure you’re connected. They’re learning a ton of data now.

I don’t think they’re 100% Machiavellian or 100% altruistic. The question is where that balance is. That’s not the question I’m trying to answer. The one I am is why doesn’t tech move faster in getting it’s shit together and increasing ease of use and inter-platform functionality?

Because everybody (corporation) thinks their own way of doing things is better than everybody else’s. Or they want that control to maximize their profits. Likely, both. Only later do they realize they should reach out to other corps or 3rd parties to make tech to get their stuff talking with others more easily for lesser cost (Zigbee, WiFi Alliance, now Apple is pushing Matter).