
Colbert: Trump's Bull**** Rally | "I Don't Care About You. I Just Want Your Vote" | MTG: Trump Is Like Jesus

TedStriker6/11/2024 12:09:59 pm PDT

re: #53 lawhawk

Captain Bone Spurs, who fought his personal Vietnam in Studio 54, wants to conscript undesirables and POC into the military (and his base for that matter) so that he disappears them from the picture.

The military got rid of the draft for a reason. This would bring back all of the problems of a conscription force, including the cost of having to train people who don’t want to be there.

re: #63 Florida Panhandler

Not to worry, The rich kids will have an out from military service like they always have in the US.

Dear ol’ dad will simply make a sizable contribution to the Trump Foundation/ Republican Party and all worries about little Chad having to go through boot camp and carry a rifle occupying the nearest liberal American city will be over.

re: #65 Targetpractice

A lot of Boomers about to be reminded about why it was so ridiculous in the 60s and 70s that your kid could be shipped off to die in a fetid, humid AF jungle as young as 18 but couldn’t vote until he was 21.

re: #67 EPR-radar

Coordination in detail by fascists is both unlikely and unnecessary — the historical models are there for fascists worldwide to ape, and it’s not as if fascism can have any new ideas not related to the specifics of seizing power.

You know they’re thinking “can’t protest me if they’re drafted”, but they apparently forget that part of the Vietnam War years…