
Pat Buchanan Accuses Israel of 'Blitzkrieg'

CapeCoddah1/11/2009 12:02:13 pm PST

The very best that can be said about the Nazis is that unlike Hamas, they put on uniforms and met their enemy on the field of battle. They did not fire rockets from or hide in civilian areas like the Hamas does. (to my knowledge) Please do not take my comment as defending Nazi Germany in ANY way, what they did was inexcusably horrific and inhumane, it must NEVER be forgotten, or allowed to be marginalized, or denied. The Hamas and many others want the same thing, Jewish genocide, but fight like cowards. They allow their citizens to be killed because they hide among them, cowardly genocidal murderers that they are. Hamas is causing the death of innocent Palestinians, and Israel bears not one iota of guilt for this. Fight on, Israel, protect yourself and your people, no matter anyone’s opinion. To hell with Hamas, Hezbollah, and everyone else who hates Israel.