
CPAC Live Video 1

Killer Tomato2/26/2009 6:01:21 pm PST

Let’s get busy.

OK, so now what are we doing to combat this?

WASHINGTON - A group of liberal bloggers said it is teaming up with organized labor and MoveOn to form a political action committee that will seek to push the Democratic Party farther to the left.

Soliciting donations from their readers, the bloggers said they are planning to recruit liberal candidates for challenges against more centrist Democrats currently in Congress.

Organizers of the new group, to be called Accountability Now, said their intention is to enable Obama to seek more liberal policies without fear of losing support from the more conservative members of his party serving in Congress.

Founders include Glen Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, the Service Employees International Union and DailyKos. They’re formally starting tomorrow and have $500,000 raised already.

Oh, and here’s the best part - the group may also involve itself in Republican primary contests