
Pelosi Admits Being Told About Waterboarding, But...

Pious Agnostic4/29/2009 9:31:48 am PDT

The most amazing thing about this is that ain’t so amazing. Democrat Senator lies to our face? That’s amazing?


Now, if she’s said “You know, you caught me. I was trying to distance myself from this whole ‘waterboarding’ thing by pretending that I wasn’t told all about it when it happened all those years ago. At the time, I knew it was the right thing to do, but in the years since 9/11 my party has decided that it isn’t helpful to their political prospects to keep up the War on Terror, so we don’t want anything to do with it now. So, I’ve been dodging the issue, but now that you’ve got me pinned down, I admit that I knew all about waterboarding, and approved it at the time, and up until this point, have been lying about it.”

THAT would be…amazing!