
Obama Plays a Race Card from the Bottom of the Deck

Athos7/23/2009 9:48:54 am PDT

re: #32 Bloodnok

And the GOP has more to lose if the politicians are not careful in how they respond to it.

I’m actually getting tired of the historical and current revisionism that takes place regarding racism in this country and the constant caveat that the GOP has to tread carefully in responding to race related issues.

The GOP didn’t filibuster and oppose the Civil Rights Act and the end of Jim Crow - the Democrats did.
The GOP doesn’t have as the President Pro Tem of the Senate a former recruiter for the KKK. The list can go on and on - but the facts have become immaterial as the lie told often enough has been accepted as truth.

It’s time that the GOP reminds some of MLK’s immortal words regarding judging people on the basis of their character and not the color of their skin - and then demonstrate the limits of the character of those who wallow in race politics and rush to play the race card and panders to minorities.