
Freak-Out of the Day

The Other Les9/02/2009 12:28:45 pm PDT

Time after time, the right wing gets the vapors over their fantasies about what Obama is going to say in his next big speech. And time after time, they’re proven wrong and embarrassed as Obama takes it straight down the middle and says nothing extreme. You’d think they would learn not to keep crying wolf.

They’re expecting a Socialist to behave like a Socialist.

When I attended public schools the presidents who were in office were Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Not once during all of that time did any one of them felt compelled to speak to the national student body as a whole in a live broadcast.

I once promised myself that I would never deliberately put a child into the public school system. When I did that I NEVER expected to see part of a modern day remake of TRIUMPH OF THE WILL in the public schools.

(On YouTube there is a video of Hitler addressing a mass gathering of Hitlerjugend as “my youth”.)