
NPR: Maj. Hasan 'Freaked Out' Other Doctors at Walter Reed

karmic_inquisitor11/06/2009 1:01:00 pm PST

Drive by but here is my take on what is shaking out on this guy -

He is as much a Jihadi as Al Sharpton is a humanitarian.

This is an IslamoPosseur who seems to have been in a downward spiral for some time, and who couldn’t cope with the simple issues in his mediocre life.

The whole Islamic thing became a way for him to segment himself from everyone else and then demonize “the other.”

The real problem in my mind is that the Islamic cul de sac that he parked himself (and then cultivated a persecution complex in) was made possible by a culture of extra cautious tolerance. The Army does not put up with racism and bigotry, especially regarding Islam. Perhaps that was why many simply skirted the issue. It may also what gave this lunatic a safe haven for indulging himself in unwarranted self pity.

The issue of deployment brought it to a head for this cowardly under-performer. That was when he decided to go “full native” with the Jihad thing.

This is not a profile of a Jihadi - it is the profile of an indulged self absorbed cad.