
CPAC Pre-Game Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/17/2010 7:06:18 pm PST

More from Saturday’s schedule:

Saving Freedom on College Campuses
Marriott Ballroom
Alan Charles Kors, University of Pennsylvania
Stephen Balch, National Association of Scholars (Invited)
T. Kenneth Cribb, Intercollegiate Studies Institute (Invited)

Moderator: Ron Robinson, Young America’s Foundation

Well, we all know about the YAF, but what about the ISI? In a nutshell, the ISI is similar to the YAF but with better sounding degrees. They published a review of 20th century books listing what they consider to be the “worst 50” and the “best 50”:

[PDF] The Fifty Worst (and Best) Books of the Century

On the “worst” list is such works such as

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage (1956)
John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936)
Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies (1950)
Bertrand Russell, Why I am Not A Christian (1936)

And on the “best” list there appears to be a very disproportionate interest in the South (versus other areas of the US.)

You just have to search their site for “Darwin” to get a clue as to where they are coming from.

CPAC: where nothing is too backwards to be exploited.