
Thursday Night Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Hold Out'

Birth Control Works3/04/2010 7:05:03 pm PST

re: #43 HoosierHoops

Good evening!
My last Indiana Winter…Moving on..I’m over it…
But you have to wonder who the hell thought it was a great idea to move from the topics to this hell hole…Hey I thought about it..What mind set was it to live hear for thousands of years of winters and in a fucking tent and not moving to Florida in the Spring? OK
I could hang out at the beach and fish all day or fucking move to Indiana and live in a tent all winter and freeze to death? Were there scamming tour operators back then? You are just going to love the fall bullshit?
( Look at the pretty leaves is now a simple tag line to hold onto your ass..Here comes Winter..Bitch)
Who moved to America and decided the best Idea was turn right and go North? Ralm has a special word for them..

Farmers. Endless miles of flat, fertile land.