
GOP House Candidate Says Civil Rights is a 'Local Issue'

brownbagj9/08/2010 11:13:52 am PDT

So, I guess the whole Bill of Rights is a local issue. I guess the unalienable rights are a local issue.

This is teh crazy that has infected the Republican party.

Here I am a small government conservative. To me, small government does not mean no central government. It means efficient government. It means protecting our civil rights - that is the one of the MAIN reasons to have government.

I don’t think republicans know what small government means. It doesn’t mean everything is given to the states. Some protections and yes programs must be centrally governed to ensure we are protected.

Why is this hard? Why can’t our politicians seem more than black or white and realize that some things are better managed locally and other more universal things are better managed centrally? Why do we have to choose for either everything to be in Washington or nothing to be in Washington?

Sigh. I have no one to vote for. I really, really don’t.