
Serbian War Criminal Mladic Caught - Pamela Geller Inconsolable

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/27/2011 10:33:47 am PDT

re: #62 jamesfirecat

Why is that the only thing you give Pelosi credit for?

No credit for repealing DADT, or passing healthcare?

Well, actually I balme her and Reid for making HEalthcare into the butcherd thing it is today by preventing the Dems from making a clear unified stand. She and reid wanted their little turf wars. BEcause of this, they handed the bill to the GOP and it was castrated for no votes from that side anyway.

They did the same on Carbon emissions as well.

I actually consider the egotism of Reid and Pelosi to be one of the major reasons that the Tea bags got so strong.

Imagine what it would have looked like had there been a unified Dem front or if they actually supported the President or spoke with a clear voice?