
Herman Cain on His Electrified Fence: "That's a Joke"

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/16/2011 11:43:50 am PDT

re: #67 marjoriemoon

I dunno. That sort of “Say stupid shit, then be forced to walk it back while claiming you’re definitely not walking it back” is pretty much a staple of modern GOP thought. It may resonate well with a lot of the current GOP base, that he says things that ‘keep the media guessing’. Limbaugh’s ‘It’s just satire’ thing has gotten pretty deeply ingrained in the GOP supporters.

He may have found a pretty winning formula. I’m not sure how much the voting base of the GOP cares about anything other than the candidates ability to tweak the media and say outrageous crap. I think Perry lost support not because he looked like a fool during the debates but because he looked too much like a real politician, whereas Cain acts more like a right-wing troll or ‘provocateur’.