
Sarah Palin: Chris Christie Has His 'Panties in a Wad'

Lidane1/23/2012 5:04:16 pm PST

re: #67 austin_blue

I was listening to Limbaugh today and he was all up on the Gingrich train.


Obama’s people are laughing their fucking asses off.

I’ve been watching the Freepers lately. They’re more hilarious than usual in their love for Newt. They love this guy, like he’s the savior of True Conservatism or something.

For example:

Well if the Republican establishment is against him…that solidifies it for me!


Go, Newt!! Rip the GOP-E a new one!!

Rebellion is on!!

Used to be Republicans would line up behind the front-runner to help their race.

This is the first time that I can remember where Republicans turned on the front-runner to help their race. Says a lot about the party and power in 2012.

Some Republicans should fear Newt. There are loads of these turds we call RINOs that need to have their butts kicked out.

Bottom line; no Mitt Romney. Not now. Not never.

Another example:

Ann Coulter and the rest of the GOP elites on suicide watch!

I’m trying not to get too excited before I have a chance to analyze Romney’s new campaign tactics during tonight’s debate, but…wow, you’re making this difficult. I honestly didn’t think it would be so easy to shatter the “electability” myth.

Santorum needs to get out now. Newt is clearly the one to win and fix this mess.
The National polls are always about a week or more behind the faster, State primary polls. Romney is headed back to his usual 24%, while Santorum will soon run out of money and support, especially since he does not have the money or the organization to get in on the other states. He can’t go much longer. We will soon see Santorum in single digits again before the week is done.

Which leaves Newt to go into steady 40% territory again and stay there. With the debates getting better and sharing record numbers of people watching, Newt will shine brightly in the hearts and minds of the hungry electorate. And I dare the MSM and Romney to try attack Newt on stage again. Romney will do his usual cowardly approach and stab Newt in the back again, but the electorate will not like him for it.


Was just watching Cavuto and his guests attacking Newt and preaching how he can’t win a national election. What is it with these morons, that they just don’t get it? Newt won S.C. on electability. They said women would be turned off to him and he won the women’s vote (granted it was a Republican election). I am totally confident Newt will win over independents and some democrats, not to mention Republicans will enthusiastically turn out for him.