
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

sagehen4/12/2012 10:26:48 am PDT

re: #50 carlaschluge

There is no lack of access to reproductive health care. The issue is whether the federal government can force private insurers to provide contraceptives for “free.”

No it’s not.

Private insurers, if they cover pre-natal care and labor and delivery, would be *delighted* to toss in contraceptives for “free.” They’d PREFER to offer contraceptives for “free”. One pregnancy, even with zero complications, is a claim for more than an entire lifetime’s contraceptives.

The Blunt Amendment said the employer can demand that the insurance company NOT cover contraceptives, on the basis that the employer’s religion forbids it. As if my employer’s religion should have any bearing on what I do with myself when I’m not on his clock.