
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

Killgore Trout1/07/2009 12:17:39 pm PST

Hamas using ‘underground city’ to launch attacks on Israel from Gaza

The squads – led by fighters believed to have been trained in Lebanon and Iran – are based inside intricate tunnel networks that can be accessed from mosques, Hamas commanders homes and public buildings. In close combat fighting, Hamas operatives use the tunnel layout to lure Israel soldiers into ambushes where they could be captured or killed.
Hamas fighters used the tunnels to plant explosives and set trip wires in buildings next door to positions used by Israeli troops as rest or mustering points.

Munitions and explosives have been strategically placed throughout the tunnels. Israel claims to have destroyed a “large number” of tunnels in air raids that triggered “quite a few” secondary explosions of arms caches.
Above ground the tunnel entrances have been covered by rugs, radiators and even toy boxes in local homes.

Hamas has also evolved its strategy for firing rockets from the Gaza strip into Israel. Launch pads are dug into below-ground silos that are virtually impossible detect from the air. The majority of rockets are now triggered remotely using mobile phone signals or wires. “There’s no need to be at the base of the launch plate with a box of matches any more,” an official said.