
Ron Paul!

Bobblehead4/15/2009 7:37:09 pm PDT

From “Instapundit”

KANSAS CITY STAR: Desperate to Dismiss The Tea Parties. “Democrats and other skeptics are desperate to dismiss the tea parties that popped up across the country today… . This eagerness to explain away this movement is telling, suggesting the skeptics see these gatherings as a real threat. Certainly the tea parties have an anti-Obama slant, but what we’re seeing is something outside the normal dynamics of Democrat-Republican tension… . It isn’t clear yet what the tea party movement is all about, but it can’t be dismissed as something that simply arose from shadowy GOP organizers.”

Seems reasonable. I hear 7/4/09 is the next big gathering. Let’s see what transpires in the next couple of months to get people even more fired up.