
Absurd Anti-Evolution Lawsuit Denied by Supreme Court

Aye Pod3/24/2009 1:56:16 pm PDT

re: #739 jimc

Your post to Sal was a classic non-response, which complimented him on his honesty while addressing precisely zero of it’s content. Unless of course we are to believe that you agree with what he said, which would be strange since it utterly refuted you.

But I chose not to repeat myself in responding to 675, it is too tiring and if you’d like you can browse all of my previous comments and find the replay you so desperately think you need.

Crap. You won’t respond to the charge that creationism is in conflict with not just biology but several other major sciences as well because you know you can’t without making an even bigger fool of yourself. If you can’t stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen, as they say.

I think we’re done here.