
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

jcm7/05/2009 10:41:45 pm PDT

re: #655 avanti

I don’t get the obsession with Obama’s education ? Does the right hate him so much that they assume he must have sucked at Harvard and Columbia ? I saw more attention to Obama’s graduation with honors from Harvard with a law degree, then picking on Palin for taking six years to get a journalism degree. No one asked for her or McCain transcripts or cared how they did it college. Obama had the wrote two books that let the voters know about his politics, he was open about his early drug use and the rest, and still won. It’s time to judge his performance in office and stop obsessing about how he was elected IMHO.

You’re not the least bit curious who his professors and influences were at Columbia?

It’s not his grades I’m interested in, it’s who he studied under. Fine he graduated with honors, but where are any papers he authored to give insight into his thinking then? Not only are his transcripts and papers missing, so are his law firm records, so are his legislative records, and they tried to lock up the CAC papers.

As to his winning. HE WON is trite. Just because HE WON doesn’t mean he gets to change the foundations of the country, he has laws he has to work within, not run over. HE WON is arrogant, he may the leader of the free world, but he is also the servant of the people and their security his is number one task.

He won because the media did not dig. Into his professors at school, his lack of paper trail, he’s obvious statement contrary to the founding, traditions and laws of this country. He befitted from 8 years of media slander of GWB. He benefited from a majority of the people of this country have a mistaken belief our government is a democracy, and a pathetic lack of historical and civic knowledge, brought about by fellow travelers like Zinn and Ayers.

Historical he is doing exactly what caused the depression to run 7-10 years longer than it should of. Historically he’s making the same mistakes that contributed to WWII.