
Virginia House Republican Wards Off the Antichrist

LotharBot2/12/2010 6:02:47 pm PST

1 handed, feedin baby

re: #745 jamesfirecat

there are times that even murder is allowed, hence the term “justifiable homicide”

homicide and murder are different. homicide is parts b and c from above. no intent, and may or may not be lawful/justified.

if someone wants to make use of your organs against your permission is it justifiable homicide if you say “no” and pull out the plug

exactly. is it? theres room to disagree.

The violinist argument can let you turn the two sides of the right wing against itself since it truly does make it an issue of private property against religious based morals.

conversely, the left has no problem legally enforcing charity through govt. is this a problem for ‘keep your hands off my body’? it’s not any worse for the right; sometimes our principles conflict but we prioritize and deal with it as best we can.

to my eyes you refuse to take a stance on the issue and are only waffling back and forth

i see no need to take a stance. only to note that many stances stand up to your reasoning. why make my point narrower than it has to be? why defend only one view when i can defend many, right and left? why do you think i even have a specific stance?

you raise some good points regarding property and the extent to which one should take their morality. if i ever settle on a stance i’ll take your points into consideration.