
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/09/2010 10:22:40 am PDT

re: #733 cliffster

Okay. So it’s okay to go about raising food in a manner that maims and cripples animals as long as it’s not intentional?

That doesn’t fly with me. Yeah, factory farming sucks, which is why I buy my meat local, from farms I know the ethical practices of. But trucks whizzing along the highway kill shitloads of animals too, and habitat destruction means long starvation for animals, and even as simple a thing as rotating the soil is a nightmare for the small rodents in the field.

I will be the first to start eating vat-cloned meat as soon as its available. Mmmm, vat-cloned beef!