
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

Big Steve9/05/2012 9:57:46 am PDT

re: #728 Coracle

If the shoe fits…

Good on you if it doesn’t fit you.

Yes….I do make about $250k per year. Last year I paid $84k in federal income tax. I also paid slightly over $10k in SS. I had a combined payment of $15k in property taxes. I have two sons in college but was unable to deduct any of their college payments because my income was too high. I won’t even bother to calculate how much I paid in sales tax for the year. So don’t even FUCKING start with saying I am not paying my fair share. I am in the vortex of the alternative minimum tax because Congress passed a law in the 1970’s when $200k per year put you in the top 10,000 earners in the country and has not bothered to changed the cut-off in like 40 damn years. YES this is an ISSUE to me and YES it does affect who I will vote for.