
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

livefreeor die8/14/2009 8:41:12 pm PDT

re: #735 iceweasel

As with the primacy of the number 0, we see in geometry that the fundamental figure is a point. And what is a point but yet another iteration of the circle-shape? Like the great Goddess, infinitely divisible yet always herself, inviolable no matter what shape-rape may be committed.

I hope you’ll consider reworking the Dot and the Line: a Romance in Lower Mathematics. See how the dot is cruelly portrayed as ‘fickle’ and shallow!

And shouldn’t semiologists change their name as well? Phallocentrism continues to stain the sheets, and the Gap dresses, of us all.

If the baby had slept more today, I could go into much detail (learned from a couple of Freudian supervisors through the years-you have to talk the talk even if you’re a cognitive-behaviorist if you want to get good recommendations) about how 0 looks like a breast and symbolizes the Oedipal fixations of mathematicians.