
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

SanFranciscoZionist5/04/2010 9:23:55 am PDT

re: #341 Cato the Elder

Interesting. A late-night visit from the Borgmocrazy itself. With not one, but two links so we can go there ourselves. An invitation, you might say.

It seems they’re getting desperate for some love from Charles and the Lizards over there, since pretty much everyone here ignores their existence now.

This one went from “hi, I’m new here” to full-wingnut mental meltdown in 17 posts tonight. And we can’t even eat it, because it’s a Rodent meat-puppet infected with Mad Speranza Disease.

To make it all more than a bit funny, it thinks “teabagging” is only for gay people and using the term makes one a “liberal homophobe”. Got news for you, “John”: Republican den-mothers do it to their husbands and boyfriends all the time, because they like it. Why, I bet some of your gal friends at the Swamp are into it big-time.

Epic fail.

I am intrigued that a simple variation on oral sex seems to upset people so.