
Forensic Experts: It Was Not George Zimmerman Crying for Help

Nyet4/01/2012 10:06:35 am PDT

re: #746 Buck

LOL, way to put words in my mouth. No, you never made an argument, coherent or not. A string of out of context bits and pieces without an explanation of what is supposed to be bad about them does not amount to an argument.

You used the following terms:

fundie apologetic comic book
non-scholarly Christian apologetics.
a Christian-slanted book by a self-confessed Biblical inerrantist

And that was in that one thread.

Substitute “Muslim” for “Christian”, “islamist” for “fundie” and “Koran” for “biblical” and you would be banned.

Nope, I guarantee I wouldn’t be banned, moreover, I would gladly use

Islamist apologetic comic book
non-scholarly Muslim apologetics.
an Islamic-slanted book by a self-confessed Quranic inerrantist

in a proper context, i.e. if somebody was using a religious source instead of a scholarly source to argue a secular point.