
Absurd Anti-Evolution Lawsuit Denied by Supreme Court

jimc3/24/2009 8:36:15 pm PDT
Why, then, has Charles allowed jimc to stay, after removing others who have told him that he’s going to Hell?

Baffles even me. Thanks for the synopsis of my faith however I think you over complicated the message. I’m what you call a Bible Believer, means roughly the same as Literalist, but more accurately defines my faith. I defer everything to God and everything is subject to His authority and nothing is beyond His ability, nothing. Space, time, reality, physics, chemistry, everything bends to His will. So if evolution is eventually proven, then I’m ok with it because I believe it would be God given and there would be a purpose for it, if it is not and there is some other explanation, I’m ok with that doesn’t matter. What you got wrong at least in my beliefs and my local body of believers, is that I don’t chuck knowledge or fear knowledge but I subject it to the the Bible.

You see, you think we have to suspend our intellect to believe in God’s literal Word and I agree that some have done this very thing to their own detriment as you put it. However, some of us are very intelligent, in fact I’ve always excelled in math and science during my school years. I was in college majoring in Electrical Engineering with Math and Computer Science minors, then I found I liked CS better than EE so I switched majors. This is of course before I became a Christian. I know there are a lot of Christians who rather not understand anything about the science they reject and that’s unfortunate. I on the other hand grew up with science as my favorite subject and I still am quite fond of the subject. I want to know about these things even if I don’t agree with it, I still want to understand the reasoning behind it and seek to find out as much as I can with little time I have. I don’t reject anything outright and I don’t claim to know everything. When I first became a Christian I was an old earth evolutionist Christian. Genesis was a metaphor to me to explain the process of creation in simpler terms. However, as I pondered what it means to be God and have His unlimited unimaginable power and having all things at His control, I began to see our world through a different perspective not from my puny human mind but from outside. God isn’t subject to our natural world. He is not bound by our laws nor even His own. Reality is like puddy in His hands. He can bend time and rewind it if He so desires and we may never know it happened. God exists both inside our reality and outside at the same time. He is both in the present moving along with us and also in all points of space and time simultaneously all the while keeping everything straight. Our minds are incapable of grasping just how big God is. If God wants the Earth to appear old, then it will be old. IF He wants evolution to be truth then it will be truth. So you see I don’t care if evolution is true or not, whatever God wants is well with my soul. I think it is funny how some of you try to fit God into a box, a little set of rules by which He *must* abide, lol. I find it hysterical to watch shows on Discovery Science and the like that can talk of string theory and branes and how the Big Bang was an intersection of two branes creating our universe…maybe, or maybe God created it just as it is and in our vanity we believe we can know it all and He his just amused by it all…I wonder how many of you who reject God or at least limit him loved the character Q on ST:TNG….